Donnerstag, 29.10.2020: Bergkarabach-Kundgebung vor drei UNO-Sitzen in Wien, Genf und New York
Wien (OTS) – Die armenischen Gemeinden in Österreich, der Schweiz sowie in den USA organisieren morgen, Donnerstag, eine gemeinsame Kundgebung für die Anerkennung der Republik Arzach (Berg-Karabach) seitens der UNO. Die stille Kundgebung in Wien beginnt um 16 Uhr am Muhammad-Asad-Platz. Medienvertreter sind herzlich eingeladen.
Heute ist es erneut zu kriegsverbrecherischen Handlungen gekommen, indem beispielsweise ein Entbindungskrankenhaus in Stepanakert von einem türkischen F-16 Kampflugzeug beschossen und gänzlich zerstört wurde. Die Türkei, die den Genozid an den Armeniern vor etwa 100 Jahren begangen hat, beliefert Aserbaidschan mit Drohnen, Soldaten und Söldner. Wenn neben armenischen Soldaten und unschuldigen Zivilisten nun auch Neugeborene auf der Todesliste der türkisch-aserbaidschanischen Armee sind, braucht es klare Worte und Konsequenzen der internationalen Gemeinschaft.
Der Präsident Aserbaidschans und der türkische Präsident Erdogan, der syrische Dschihadisten nach Bergkarabach schickt, würden kein armenisches Leben in Bergkarabach zulassen. Die Menschen in Bergkarabach brauchen ihre Unabhängigkeit, um nicht Opfer einer ethnischen Säuberung zu werden. Es geht bei der Unabhängigkeit nicht um einen politischen Kampf, sondern um den Kampf ums Überleben.
Diesbezüglich wird auch ein gemeinsames Schreiben an den UN-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres geschickt. Wörtlich heißt es darin:
When a ceasefire was agreed between the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan under international mediation on October 10 and 17 2020, optimism spread among Armenians around the world. As you know, this agreement only lasted for some minutes, before not only Nagorno-Karabakh (Republic of Artsakh) but also the Republic of Armenia were bombed again.
Although both sides accuse each other of breaking the ceasefire, we would like to explain why the Armenian people cannot have any interest in a war: Azerbaijan, which is supported by Turkey, is militarily as well as demographically superior to the Armenian population. What the civilian population in Nagorno-Karabakh want is their independence. It would be rationally incomprehensible if a de facto independent state provoked a new war against stronger opponents – and jeopardized this hard-won independence.
Dear Mr Guterres, you have called for the ceasefire to be observed. This is an important step that we welcome. Unfortunately, your appeal did not lead to Turkey and Azerbaijan stopping to attack the civilian population and Armenian cultural assets with cluster munitions, drones and other bombs. Currently, around half of the Nagorno-Karabakh population has had to leave their homeland, the other half lives in bunkers. Moreover, there is ample evidence and is already undisputed, that Turkey is sending jihadist fighters to Azerbaijan to slaughter the Armenian civilian population. And we ask ourselves: Why does all of this stay unpunished? Why doesn’t the UN condemn Turkey and Azerbaijan for those war crimes?
We, Armenians around the world, are very concerned about these developments. They remind us of what happened to our ancestors about 100 years ago during the Armenian genocide. When the Turkish President speaks today of “finishing what the ancestors started”, the United Nations cannot look stay silent. It’s not about a piece of land, it’s about the existence of an entire people with a long history. The people of Nagorno-Karabakh know that they will either win this battle or that Armenian life in Nagorno-Karabakh will be extinguished forever.
We are convinced that the United Nations must take real action and do the following:
– The war crimes of Turkey and Azerbaijan – especially the actions of the two authoritarian presidents Erdogan and Aliyev – cannot stay unpunished.
– The independence of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) must be recognized by the United Nations.
– Rapid humanitarian aid is needed for the people in Nagorno-Karabakh so that the civilian population can return to their homes.
– The security of the civilian population must be guaranteed.
This is the only way to guarantee a life in dignity, peace and democracy for the people in Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia in the long term. We ask you, dear Mr. Guterres, to work for the freedom of the people in Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia. Over 100 years ago the world looked the other way when women, children and men were brutally and systematically murdered. Today it is up to us not to repeat this mistake and to point out when wrong is done.
(C) Copyright APA-OTS Originaltext-Service GmbH und der jeweilige Aussender. Armenisch-Apostolische Kirchengemeinde Österreich