Media Advisory - BMO Expert Podcast on COVID-19 and the Future of the Global Economy | Brandaktuell - Nachrichten aus allen Bereichen

Media Advisory – BMO Expert Podcast on COVID-19 and the Future of the Global Economy

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Toronto, Ontario (ots/PRNewswire) – * Darryl White, Chief Executive Officer, BMO Financial Group leads
the discussion

-Following BMO Financial Group’s 2020 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, BMO is providing access to a podcast featuring diverse perspectives on the economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and how businesses must evolve and adapt to changing conditions.

In this podcast, BMO experts examine how the current situation compares to the financial crisis of 2008, the long-term economic impact of government and central bank stimulus and relief packages, as well as how companies will succeed, grow, and deliver shareholder value in the „new normal“.

Who: Darryl White, CEO, BMO Financial Group

Doug Porter, Chief Economist, BMO Financial Group Kristi Mitchem, CEO, BMO Global Asset
Management Albert Yu, CEO, BMO Asia John Whyte, Chief Medical Officer, WebMD

Where The podcast can be accessed at:

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Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, BMO has provided expert cross-sector perspectives to provide context and accurate, relevant and actionable information to help its customers make informed decisions. Visit for more up-to-the-minute insights.

About BMO Financial Group

Serving customers for 200 years and counting, BMO is a highly diversified financial services provider – the 8th largest bank, by assets, in North America. With total assets of $880 billion as of January 31, 2020, and a team of diverse and highly engaged employees, BMO provides a broad range of personal and commercial banking, wealth management and investment banking products and services to more than 12 million customers and conducts business through three operating groups: Personal and Commercial Banking, BMO Wealth Management and BMO Capital Markets.

For News Media Enquiries: Colleen Hamilton, Toronto,, (647) 461-5196

Digital press kit:

(C) Copyright APA-OTS Originaltext-Service GmbH und der jeweilige Aussender. BMO Financial Group - Conferences and Events

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