EANS-Voting Rights: Wolford Aktiengesellschaft / Publication of a participation notification according to art. 135 para. 2 Stock Exchange Act | Brandaktuell - Nachrichten aus allen Bereichen

EANS-Voting Rights: Wolford Aktiengesellschaft / Publication of a participation notification according to art. 135 para. 2 Stock Exchange Act

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Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.

1. Issuer: Wolford Aktiengesellschaft
2. Reason for the notification: Acquisition or disposal of voting rights 3. Person subject to notification obligation: Ralph Bartel
4. Name of shareholder(s):
5. Date on which the threshold was crossed or reached: 29.6.2018
6. Total positions

| | | % of voting | | |
| | % of voting |rights through |Total of both |Total number of|
| |rights attached|financial/other| in % (7.A + | voting rights |
| |to shares (7.A)| instruments | 7.B) | of issuer |
| Resulting | | | | |
| situation on | | | | |
| the date on | 30.02 % | 0.00 % | 30.02 % | 5,000,000 |
|which threshold| | | | |
| was crossed / | | | | |
| Position of | | | | |
| previous | 25.38 % | 0.00 % | 25.38 % | |
| notification | | | | |

7. Notified details of the resulting situation:
A: Voting rights attached to shares

| | Number of | | % of voting | |
| | Direct | Indirect | Direct | Indirect |
| |(Sec 130 BörseG|(Sec 133 BörseG|(Sec 130 BörseG|(Sec 133 BörseG |

B 1: Financial / Other Instruments pursuant to Sec. 131 para. 1 No. 1 BörseG 2018

| | | |Number of voting| |
| | | | | |
| | | |rights that may | |
| Type of |Expiration Date |Exercise Period| be | % of voting |
| instrument | | |acquired if the | rights |
| | | | instrument is | |

B 2: Financial / Other Instruments pursuant to Sec. 131 para. 1 No. 2 BörseG 2018

| Type of | Expiration | Exercise | Physical / | Number of |% of voting |
|instrument | Date | Period | Cash |voting rights| rights |

8. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation:
Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled by any natural person or legal entity and does not control any other undertaking(s) holding directly or indirectly an interest in the (underlying) issuer.

9. In case of proxy voting
Date of general meeting: –
Voting rights after general meeting: – is equivalent to – voting rights.

10. Sonstige Kommentare: –

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: Wolford Aktiengesellschaft
Wolfordstrasse 1
A-6900 Bregenz
phone: +43(0) 5574 690-1268
FAX: +43(0) 5574 690-1219
mail: investor@wolford.com
WWW: http://company.wolford.com
ISIN: AT0000834007
indexes: ATX GP
stockmarkets: New York, Frankfurt, Wien
language: English

Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/16324/aom

(C) Copyright APA-OTS Originaltext-Service GmbH und der jeweilige Aussender. Wolford Aktiengesellschaft

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