Petrus Advisers and Wienerberger find compromise

London (OTS) – During Wienerberger’s AGM on 14 June 2018 Petrus Advisers and the company agreed to a compromise following disagreements about strategy and the board election process. Regina Prehofer, Wienerberger’s Chairwoman and Heimo Scheuch, CEO, stated publicly that Messrs De Leener and Buck-Emden, the two Supervisory Board candidates nominated by Petrus Advisers, were not only highly qualified but also free from any allegations that they would not work in the best interests of the company. In preparation for next year’s 150th AGM, where 4 directors will be elected, Wienerberger will run a professional process with external help to define the appropriate profiles and then select suitable candidates. Wienerberger will consult major shareholders during this process including Petrus Advisers.

Lastly, Wienerberger’s CEO Heimo Scheuch confirmed that Wienerberger has mandated the management consultancy McKinsey & Co. to perform a comprehensive review of operating improvement potentials including portfolio analysis, in line with Petrus Advisers’ demand per our letter dated 19 April 2018.

In return and in the spirit of creating a win-win situation for Wienerberger and its shareholders, Petrus Advisers supported Wienerberger‘s candidates, Messrs Steiner and Jourquin and withdrew notions for an increase of the number of Supervisory Board seats to nine as well as for two Special Audits.

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