EANS-General Meeting: Rosenbauer International AG / Resolutions of the General Meeting

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Results of voting at the 26th Annual General Meeting of
Rosenbauer International AG on May 18, 2018

Point 2 of the Agenda: Resolution on the appropriation of net retained profits Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,742,343 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 55.03% Total number of valid votes: 3,742,343
Votes in favor: 3,742,343 (71 shareholders).
Votes against: 0.
Abstentions: 0.

Point 3 of the Agenda: Resolution to discharge the members of the Executive Board for the 2017 financial year
Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,742,343 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 55.03% Total number of valid votes: 3,742,343
Votes in favor: 3,742,343 (71 shareholders).
Votes against: 0.
Abstentions: 0.

Point 4 of the Agenda: Resolution to discharge the members of the Supervisory Board for the 2017 financial year
Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,742,347 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 55.03% Total number of valid votes: 3,742,347
Votes in favor: 3,742,347 (72 shareholders)
Votes against: 0.
Abstentions: 0.

Point 5 of the Agenda: Election of the auditor and Group auditor for the 2018 financial year
Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,741,704 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 55.03% Total number of valid votes: 3,741,704
Votes in favor: 3,741,704 (67 shareholders)
Votes against: 0.
Abstentions: 433 (3 shareholders)

Point 6 of the Agenda: Election of a Supervisory Board member
Number of shares, for which valid votes were made: 3,742,137 Percentage of the registered capital represented by these votes: 55.03% Total number of valid votes: 3,742,137
Votes in favor: 3,726,589 (69 shareholders)
Votes against: 15,548 (1 shareholder)
Abstentions: 0.

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: Rosenbauer International AG
Paschingerstrasse 90
A-4060 Leonding
phone: +43(0)732 6794 568
FAX: +43(0)732 6794 89
mail: ir@rosenbauer.com
WWW: www.rosenbauer.com
ISIN: AT0000922554
indexes: WBI
stockmarkets: Stuttgart, Wien, Berlin
language: English

Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/2916/aom

(C) Copyright APA-OTS Originaltext-Service GmbH und der jeweilige Aussender. Rosenbauer International AG

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